Stanoprime or Winstrol (Stanozolol) is an anabolic steroid that was synthesized in 1962. Forms of release – injections that are an aqueous suspension.
Effects of Stanoprime on Body
- Very high anabolic effect and minimal androgenic;
- There is no aromatization – the drug is not converted to estrogen;
- Duration of effect – up to 8 hours;
- The effects become noticeable: with the help of pills – after 3 weeks; by injection, after 9 weeks;
- Increased stamina and strength;
- Indicators of appetite increase;
- Fats break down;
- Fluid from the body goes quickly enough.
Most Effective Cycle of Stanoprime
Most often bodybuilders prefer to combine from 2x to 3x different steroids to achieve maximum results, you can also use a solo, from which you can also see results and progress in the form of increased strength, increased muscle density, removal of excess water from muscles, noticeable burning of subcutaneous fat. Nominal dosages of the drug are considered 50 – 100 mg of the active substance stanozolol every other day. The duration of cycles is from 6 to 8 weeks, which is completely enough to achieve the desired result, while observing the right diet and proper training regimen.
Side effects of Using Stanoprime
This drug is not converted to estrogen, so that gynecomastia or edema from it will not. We list the side effects as they occur:
- Joint pain and increased risk of ligament damage. To avoid problems, combined cycles or special sports supplements will help.
- Injections are accompanied by pain.
- There is a possibility of the development of androgenic PE: acne, suppression of the axis of the hypothalamus – pituitary – testicles (slight), hair loss.
In order to avoid the side effects of Stanoprime, you should take precautions. You should consult an expert before taking Stanoprime or any other steroid. In this way, you can easily get the best gains and avoid experiencing any side effects.
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