
$112.20 InStock

Alpha Pharma


Stanozolol oral (Winstrol)


50mg (50 pills)

Rexobol 50 (Stanozolol 50mg) is an oral steroid by Alpha Pharma, available to buy online with credit cards and shipped across the USA.

Rexobol-50 contains the active ingredient Stanozolol, a mildly androgenic anabolic steroid and a synthetic derivative of Dihydrotestosterone (DHT). It first debuted on the market in the mid-twentieth century, with medical applications including burn treatment and skeletal tissue strengthening. The substance boosts immunity and can be used as a preventative measure in HIV patients.

These days, this anabolic steroid is actively used in sports pharmacology and bodybuilding. It is used as a drug to increase muscle mass and improve body definition and has proven to be extremely effective in increasing power performance as well as endurance.

Rexobol-50’s popularity amongst beginners is explained by its low risk of androgenic side effects during use. Negative reviews are most commonly written by people who already have joint or ligament problems.

Stanozolol has slightly more than three times the anabolic effect of testosterone, while it has a much less androgenic effect. Despite these characteristics, even professionals frequently use some form of protection against potential side effects.

The Advantages of Rexobol 50 by Alpha Pharma

Online reviews of “Winny” 50 mg oral steroid pills for sale online in the USA by athletes and bodybuilders report the following benefits:

  • Muscular definition and vascularity are improved
  • Significant and noticeable increases in strength and endurance
  • Effective fat-burning effect
  • It can increase globulin levels by 50%, which improves the effectiveness of other anabolic steroids
  • Muscle fibers become noticeably stronger and tougher
  • It stimulates appetite
  • It has anti-estrogenic and anti-progestogenic properties.

Always consult with a specialist before you buy oral Stanozolol 50 online in the USA to avoid potential health issues.

Winstrol Oral 50 Application and Dosage

A Rexobol 50 (Stanozolol) cycle is recommended for athletes who want to improve their strength and endurance without gaining a lot of weight. It is most effective for people with normal body fat and weight.

The recommended daily dosage should be divided into three doses.

Men should take 30 to 50 mg of Stanozolol (Winstrol) per day, while women should take 5–10 mg per day.

Athletes who have previously taken anabolic steroids can utilize increased doses of 50 mg each day.

A single cycle of Alpha Pharma’s Rexobol 50 lasts 4-6 weeks, and it’s not suggested to go longer than that because it might cause negative side effects.

It is critical to follow up with restorative therapy (PCT) a few days after the cycle is completed.

Athletes who use sports nutrition to build and define their muscles experience the greatest benefit. When utilizing Alpha Pharma’s Rexobol 50, it’s important to have a strict water intake schedule.

Read More Article Dosage of Winstrol


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