$53.90 InStock

Dragon Pharma


Mesterolone (Proviron)


25mg (100 pills)

Proviron (Mesterolone 25mg) is an oral steroid by Dragon Pharma, available to buy online with credit cards and shipped across the USA.

The androgenic drug Proviron, manufactured by Dragon Pharma, is called Mesterolone (1-methyl dihydrotestosterone) and it is taken orally. Strong androgen Mesterolone exhibits minimal anabolic action. See also Proviron for Bodybuilding

This is due to the fact that Mesterolone, like dihydrotestosterone, is quickly converted to inactive diol metabolites in muscle tissue, where the level of the enzyme 3-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase is quite high.


Dragon Pharma’s Proviron Benefits Proviron Application and Dosage


It is false to claim that this substance’s weak anabolic properties block androgen receptors in muscle tissues and diminish the benefits of other steroids that are more powerful for promoting muscle building.

Due to its extraordinarily high affinity for plasma proteins like SHBG, Mesterolone can actually affect the activity of other steroids by converting a greater percentage of them to a free unbound form.

Mesterolone is mostly utilized by athletes as an anti-estrogen because of its capacity to inhibit aromatase enzymes and to raise testosterone levels during diets or competition preparation.

The androgen-to-estrogen ratio can be raised by Mesterolone, which can boost muscle hardness and density, libido and general feelings of well-being, and tendency to burn fat.

It is frequently taken to prevent gynecomastia, while 10–20 mg of Nolvadex per day is frequently used with other aromatized steroids.

Many bodybuilders choose to take Mesterolone during drying seasons or in the run-up to a competition, when low estrogen and strong androgen levels are particularly desirable.

The proper Proviron dosage for male athletes is typically 50–150 mg of Mesterolone per day, or two to six, 25 mg pills.

Results can normally be seen after taking the drug for six to twelve weeks in cycles.



メステロロン-プロビロン 25mg