Magnum Test-E 300

$57.20 InStock

Magnum Pharmaceuticals


testosterone enanthate


10 ampoules (300mg/ml)

Magnum Test-E 300 (testosterone enanthate 300mg/ml) is an injectable steroid by Magnum Pharmaceuticals, available to buy online with credit cards and shipped across the USA.

Magnum Test-E 300 is an esterified version of testosterone, a steroid with qualities that are similar to those of the natural hormone. It is completely androgenic and anabolic in nature.

Enanthate, an additional ester added to the main component, gives it long-acting properties. Many people will compare Cypionate with Enanthate since they are very similar in action time.

Once inside the body, it gathers in the fat depot before slowly releasing into the blood. In addition to many other things, Testosterone Enanthate has a strong anabolic effect and speeds up protein synthesis by supplying the right amount of nitrogen.


Magnum Pharmaceuticals Testosterone Enanthate Benefits


Testosterone Enanthate Application and Dosage


The effects of the drug’s use demonstrate its numerous advantages. The following are the most common ones:

·      Large increase in muscle mass which is caused by water retention.

·      Enhances the regeneration process.

·      Boosts strength performance.

·      Active influence on the emergence of secondary sexual traits.

·      Enhancing libido and promoting healthy spermatogenesis.

·      Strengthens bone structure.

·      Prevents overtraining.

·      Normalization of the metabolism of phosphorus and nitrogen.

·      Eliminates pain in joints.

·      Improves appetite.

·      Increases the number of red blood cells transporting oxygen to the muscles.

·      Increases the level of endurance.

·      Improves the overall condition of the body and motivates the athlete for the training process.

The injections are administered no more frequently than twice each week. The amount of drug required is determined using a variety of indicators.

The main ones being; experience in using sports pharmacology, the amount of athletic strength, assigned responsibilities, and personal traits.

Magnum Pharmaceuticals’ Testosterone Enanthate dosages between 300 mg and 900 mg are regarded as ideal. When using a specific dosage, if your body mass does not increase, the dosage should be slightly increased. The recommended starting dose for beginners is 300 mg. An average solo cycle lasts 6 to 8 weeks.

It is ideal to take cortisol blockers, which assist you to keep the muscle mass you previously obtained, after you stop taking the steroid. The second or third week following the conclusion of the cycle is often when the post-cycle therapy begins.

Use Proviron or other aromatase inhibitors to reduce the risk of estrogenic type responses.  They are used one week following the cycle’s conclusion and start in the second or third week.

Additionally, you should be tested and get your estradiol levels checked. This will aid in avoiding adverse effects.

Additionally, Testosterone Enanthate may be taken in conjunction with other drugs. Trenbolone, Nandrolone, Methandienone, or Anadrol are all included in the combination cycle to achieve the maximum benefit of muscle mass gain.





エナント酸テストステロン 300mg