Rexogin (vial)

$79.20 InStock

Alpha Pharma


Stanozolol injection (Winstrol depot)


10ml vial (50mg/ml)

Rexogin (Stanozolol injection (Winstrol depot) 50mg/ml) is an injectable steroid by Alpha Pharma, available to buy online with credit cards and shipped across the USA.

Athletes frequently need to use drugs from pharmaceutical companies to gain strength in order to improve their performances and advance in their sport and physical fitness.

A business that has flourished precisely, for this reason, is Alpha Pharma. The company’s good reputation is a result of the high quality of the products they offer.

Rexogin can be given as an example because it has the ability to help athletes succeed by promoting the growth of lean muscle and improving their endurance.


Alpha Pharma’s Rexogin Benefits


Rexogin Application and Dosage


Every experienced athlete is aware that it is important to research a drug’s primary characteristics, advantages, and ingredients before purchasing it and so please read the insert information before purchasing Winstrol also known as “Winny” which contains many advantages including the following effects:

·      Faster muscle tissue growth when paired with Oxandrolone.

·      Water retention is reduced.

·      Muscle definition and hardness are improved.

·      The user’s appetite is increased.

·      Low liver toxicity (Hepatotoxicity)

·      There is no aromatization.

Additionally, Winny burns fat extremely well and does not dramatically decrease natural testosterone levels as compared to other anabolics. When cycling this incredible product will improve the user’s vascularity and overall muscular definition, making the muscles appear drier, harder, and more prominent.

Additionally, if the drug is used correctly, the effects last for a very long time. Please be aware that before taking Winstrol Depot, you may be subject to a recent or upcoming doping test. The residues from this active agent can be found in the blood for up to nine weeks, or even longer in some situations.


The Stanozolol injectable version can be administered properly without the need for specialized training. But a few straightforward guidelines must be followed.

·      A daily injection of the higher dose, up to a maximum of 100 mg, is necessary to obtain the greatest results. Please be aware that even for experienced users, 50 mg per day of Winstrol is the optimal dosage.

·      The cycle shouldn’t last more than 8 to 10 weeks to reduce the danger of side effects, which might otherwise multiply.

·      The goal of post-cycle therapy is to return the main physiological values to normal within a few days of the last Winstrol injection.  The drug is typically used during drying cycles since it enables receiving a specific level of muscle definition. Additionally, it enhances the effects of other drugs taken simultaneously.

As a result, it is frequently used in various combination cycles to give athletes the best results.

Testosterone Propionate in a dosage of 100 mg every two days is the ideal combo for cutting cycles. For more experienced athletes, adding Winstrol to a Trenbolone Acetate cycle in a comparable dosage, or even a Tbol cycle, can significantly change an athlete’s physique.


Read More Article Injectable Winstrol Dosage

スタノゾロール注射液 – ウィンストロールデポ 50mg