
$79.20 InStock

Alpha Pharma


Stanozolol injection (Winstrol depot)


10 ampoules (50mg/ml)

Rexogin (Stanozolol injection (Winstrol depot) 50mg/ml) is an injectable steroid by Alpha Pharma, available to buy online with credit cards and shipped across the USA.

Alpha Pharma makes the injectable steroid Rexogin. It contains Stanozolol, an active ingredient that first became available orally in the middle of the 20th century. Since then, the drug has quickly grown to become widely known.
The current equivalent, Stanozolol in injection form, sometimes known as Winstrol depot, is very popular in the sporting community.


Alpha Pharma’s Rexogin Benefits


Rexogin Application and Dosage


The substance is widely used by sportsmen and belongs to the group of mild-acting steroids. Additionally, because of its low toxicity index, it does not affect liver function.

Stanozolol was initially developed for veterinary treatment, but it is now known to be beneficial for usage in sports and regenerative therapy. It is used as a drug to treat anemia, reduce edema, and balance blood composition.

The effects of Winstrol can be employed even during pre-competition training to help achieve excellent muscle definition. Numerous red blood cells flood muscle cells with oxygen, creating an aerobic environment that encourages growth.

It’s also important to note that Winstrol transforms fat fibers into energy, which is very beneficial for athletes.



The favorable effects of Winstrol depot include improved muscle definition, higher endurance, improved appetite, elimination of extra body fat and fluid, and decreased globin concentration.


No more than 50 mg of injectable Stanozolol should be taken each day. It is good to divide the dosage into two daily injections if you need to improve your endurance. In terms of length, the Winstrol cycle should last for approximately 8 weeks

Post-cycle therapy (PCT) should be started almost immediately after the cycle has ended. This frequently consists of Clomid and Nolvadex.

The anabolic steroid injectable Stanozolol blends well with other substances. Strong androgens like Anadrol or Testosterone are advised for increasing muscle growth.

It is preferable to add Winstrol to a Trenbolone or Tbol cycle if cutting is the goal.



Read More Article Winstrol Injection Dosage

スタノゾロール注射液 – ウィンストロールデポ 50mg