Primobolan 200

$214.50 InStock

Dragon Pharma


Methenolone enanthate (Primobolan depot)


10 mL vial (200 mg/mL)

Primobolan 200 (Methenolone Enanthate 200mg/ml) is an injectable steroid by Dragon Pharma, available to buy online with credit cards and shipped across the USA.

The drug Primobolan 200, also known as Methenolone Enanthate, is one of many dihydrotestosterone derivatives. In comparison to testosterone, the drug has a moderately anabolic and androgenic effect, which contributes to an impressive increase in physical performance without a significant increase in body mass.

Unlike other popular steroids, Dragon Pharma’s Primobolan is used to dry and fix the effects of a steroid cycle rather than gain mass.

The drug, for the most part, works for a qualitative increase in strength, helps to consolidate the result of mass gained through other means, and has high efficiency in drying and definition creation.

Dragon Pharma’s Methenolone Enanthate is very popular among athletes with mostly positive reviews; it performs its functions flawlessly, does not cause discomfort during administration, and is regarded as one of the safest and lightest steroids available.

Primobolan 200 is regarded as one of the least dangerous and lightest steroids available. It is not hepatotoxic and has no aromatizing properties. It’s recommended for both novice and experienced professional athletes, and is also appropriate for use by females.

Thousands of buyers from all over the world have tested the drug’s effectiveness and quality.

Dragon Pharma’s Primobolan 200 Advantages

Online reviews of Primo Depot 200mg/ml injectable steroid vials for sale online in the USA by athletes and bodybuilders report the following benefits:

  • Increased muscle stiffness and elasticity, more defined musculature, increased strength, and endurance
  • Strengthening of muscles, an increase in overall body tone and immunity, suppression of catabolic processe
  • Encourages the body’s removal of excess fluid
  • Prevents the accumulation of subcutaneous fat
  • Joint strength is increase
  • The active substance performs its intended function without converting to estrogen
  • There is no aromatization. There is no rollback after the cycle is completed
  • When combined with heavy anabolic steroids and androgens, it is very effective.

Primobolan 200 Application and Dosage

The dose is adjusted based on the athlete’s physical condition and training goals.

  • Male users

A weekly dose of 200-800 mg is recommended for men.

  • Female users

A dose of no more than 50-100 mg is recommended for women. Otherwise, virilization is possible. For women, a one-month cycle is sufficient.

Because the product has a long half-life (long-lasting impact), there is no need for frequent injections. It is sufficient to take it 1-2 times per week.

The cycle should not be run for more than three months.

Because of its relative safety, Primobolan 200 can be combined with other anabolics. The steroid is effective for both drying and mass gain.

PCT is recommended for three weeks after the completion of the cycle. Tamoxifen or Clomid is ideal for this.

Always consult with a specialist before you buy Primobolan Depot 200 online in the USA to avoid potential health issues.


メテノロンエナント酸 – プリモボランデポ 200mg