Clenbuterol Weight Loss
Clenbuterol note: the Active chemical substance contained in klenbuterola other various forms of production: it is syrups, drops, liquids, aerosols, injectable rasori, granules. Because the athletes in the experience prefer pills, here are trade names and manufacturers that offer exactly tbl. version.
It burns fat without diet with a slight rise in body temperature, what causes the body to use fats as fuel for such heating. Among professionals clenbuterol – very popular preparation for a competition. Especially intense fat burning occurs when combining it with the preparation of thyroid hormone “cytomel”. The simultaneous administration of anabolic/androgenic steroid clenbuterol because the resulting increase in body temperature enhances the action of these steroids, since accelerates protein metabolism in the body. Dosage depends on body weight and optimized depending on the measured temperature of the body. Athletes take usually 5 – 7 tablets, ie, 100 – 140 mcg per day.
Because clenbuterol is not a hormonal drug, it is not typical for anabolic steroids side effects. So his love of a woman. Possible side effects of Clenbuterol are anxiety, palpitations, slight trembling fingers, headaches, enhanced sweating, drowsiness, and sometimes muscle cramps, high blood pressure and nausea. Interestingly, all these phenomena are temporary nature and often disappear by themselves after 8 – 10 days despite continued dosing.