What is Post Cycle Therapy and when to start it
Post-cycle therapy is an important step completing any cycle of steroid use. The thing is that there is a concept of the phenomenon of recoil. It consists in a sharp loss of muscle mass after the end of the intake of anabolic drugs. To prevent an undesirable effect and restore the body, it is important to take high-quality drugs for pct.
Taking drugs to build
muscle has a strong impact on the work of the entire hormonal system. Even with the correct
dosage, the administration of such agents has a negative effect on various
organs, therefore it is so important to complete any cycle of steroid intake
with high-quality post-course therapy.
PCT in bodybuilding is
often aimed at restoring the natural production of testosterone. So, while taking
steroids, which contain a large dose of this hormone, its production by the body slows down and immediately
after the end of the course a negative effect may occur.
PCT drugs are aimed at
restoring the production of our own testosterone and reduce the rollback
effect. They allow you to
restore the body after exposure to steroids and maintain muscle mass,
accumulated during the medication.
The range of drugs to
restore the body after consuming steroids is quite wide. The following products
are in special demand:
Clomid and Tamoxifen do
not belong to the group of anabolic steroids and are not anti-estrogens. They have a positive
effect on the production of your own testosterone and are used after the end of
the main cycle of taking steroids.

Proviron has powerful
anti-estrogenic effects. The
main feature of this drug is that it is worth starting it during the main cycle
of steroids. It is often used as a PCT
after testosterone, methandienone, and nandropone. These substances can cause an increase in the level of androgens, which
in turn provokes undesirable accumulation of fluid in the body. Regular intake of
Proviron allows you to avoid this negative effect, increase libido, as well as
improve the quality of muscle mass.
The cycle should also
include drugs to restore the liver. Many
are interested in what the best drug is to restore the liver. Should be selected
depending on the characteristics of the organism and the duration of steroids.
A timely PCT will allow
you to maintain excellent results after taking steroids and restore the body.