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Substance: Stanozolol injection (Winstrol depot)
Package: 10 mL vial (50 mg/mL)
Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma


Winstrol 50 (Stanozolol injection (Winstrol depot) 50mg/ml) is an injectable steroid by Dragon Pharma, available to buy online with credit cards and shipped across the USA.

People frequently turn to the use of steroids and anabolic drugs if they see that they are experiencing a plateau effect, which is a standstill in muscular growth or in strength and if there is a lack of muscle definition.

Currently, one of the most popular options is Winstrol 50, which is based on the injectable anabolic steroid Stanozolol (Winstrol depot) and enables the athlete, depending on their goals, to increase dry muscle mass, enhance aerobic performance, or reduce excess body weight.


Dragon Pharma’s Stanozolol Benefits


Injectable Stanozolol Application and Dosage


Stanozolol is a component in a drug made by the pharmaceutical company Dragon Pharma that has simultaneous effects on the body in multiple areas:

·      In terms of the muscles, there is a quality increase in mass, extra fluid is not retained in the body, and muscle fibers become more solid and strong.

·      If you follow a diet with few calories and few carbohydrates, you will naturally experience an active burning of fat deposits.

·      Performance in terms of strength and endurance significantly improves.

It is important to note that this steroid has three times the anabolic effects of testosterone while having significantly lower androgenic effects.


This product is offered as a suspension, which means it comes in an injectable form with a 50 mg active ingredient concentration. It is crucial to adhere to a few guidelines when taking it:

·      Between 50 and 100 mg should be the daily maximum. Each person’s specific figure is determined individually, considering their degree of training, established goals, and training intensity.

·      The maximum dose for women is between 5 and 10 mg per day.

·      The cycle shouldn’t go past eight weeks.

·      Injections should be administered daily for best outcomes, or at least twice weekly, to maintain the ideal concentration of active components.

·      If the product is taken without additional drugs, it is not required to take a PCT or antiestrogens in addition when combining the cycle. You should be cautious when taking Winstrol in a Methane, Testosterone or Tbol cycle.

It is important to follow a diet, a sleeping routine, and pay attention to nutrition when using the drug in order to get the best results. Since the desired impact cannot be obtained with injections alone, intense training must also be included.


Read More Article Winstrol Side Effects Male 

スタノゾロール注射液-ウィンストロールデポ 50mg