Klenprime 40

SKU: 506



Substance: Clenbuterol hydrochloride (Clen)
Package: 40mcg (50 pills)
Manufacturer: Eminence Labs


KlenPrime 40 (Clenbuterol hydrochloride or Clen 40 mcg) is a non-steroidal drug by Eminence Labs that has effective weight loss benefits. It’s available to buy online with credit cards and shipped across the USA.

Clenbuterol is practically indispensable in steroid cycles aimed at “drying” and pre-competitive training of athletes.

We use the excess caloric content of the diet, which is based on the consumption of a large number of carbohydrates, to gain mass. When carbohydrates are consumed in excess, the body “unlearns” to use fat as an energy source. When we switch to a low-carbohydrate diet, our bodies begin to use protein as “fuel” instead of fat, which they “extract” from our hard-built muscles.

The use of Clenbuterol (Clen) during the “drying” period forces the body to use “fat reserves,” which are our subcutaneous fat, protecting the protein structures of the muscle from destruction.

Clenbuterol was introduced into bodybuilders’ pharmacology collection relatively recently, but it quickly became popular among both athletes and ordinary people for weight loss.

Eminence Labs’ Clenbuterol 40 is used to help people recover from steroid use. Clenbuterol Hydrochloride, the active ingredient, is a fat-burning medication. Despite this, Clenbuterol retains its medicinal properties and is used not only in sports but also in medicine. People with chronic breathing disorders, such as asthma, use this as a treatment for bronchial asthma.

However, another remarkable property of Clenbuterol that is important to us as bodybuilders is fat burning, as well as the drug’s anti-catabolic effect (which prevents muscle destruction) in low-calorie conditions during “drying” cycles.

Eminence Labs Klenprime 40 Advantages

Online reviews of Clen 40 mcg oral weight loss pills for sale online in the USA by athletes and bodybuilders report the following benefits:

  • Protects and preserves the muscles during drying and weight loss
  • Professional athletes report a strong effect on fat burning and optimal weight loss
  • The metabolism increases while using the drug
  • It prevents the accumulation of fat after the course is completed. As a result, before using it, you should be aware of any contraindications.

Clenbuterol 40 Application and Dosage

  • Male users

The maximum Clenbuterol dosage for weight loss in men is 120mcg.

  • Female users

Due to a woman’s lower body weight, the maximum Clenbuterol dosage for her will be 100mcg. However, if necessary, the Clenbuterol dosage for women can be increased to 120mcg. This substance is not to be used by expectant or breastfeeding mothers.

Because the body’s response to Eminence Labs’ KlenPrime 40 decreases after two weeks, it is recommended that you just take it for 14 days with at least a two-week break in between the next course.

Always consult with a specialist before you buy Clenbuterol 40 online in the USA to avoid potential health issues.


クレンブテロール塩酸塩 – クレン 40mg